
R.D.I Sound Design Studio


Service types

digital, dubbing studio, music recording, sound postproduction, sound studio



  Bohóclövészet, 1994, hangi utómunka


work with companies

work with persons

"Csövi" Gábor Koncz - production manager  (1)
Ágnes Hranitzky - editor  (2)
András Pires Muhi - production manager  (1)
Bálint Szimler - director  (1)
Balsan Humbert - producer  (1)
Béla Tarr - screenwriter  (3)
Bence Bükki - sound engineer  (1)
Christine K. Walker - executive producer  (1)
de Ranter Patrick - director of photography  (1)
Elizabeth Redleaf - executive producer  (1)
Emil Novák - director of photography  (1)
Erdélyi Gábor ifj. - sound editing  (3)
Fred Kelemen - director of photography  (1)
Gábor Medvigy - director of photography  (1)
Gábor Osváth - producer  (1)
Gábor Téni - production manager  (3)
Gyovai Zoltán - assistant director  (1)
János Beckl - costume designer  (1)
Juliette Lepoutre - co-producer  (1)
Lajos Gerhardt - production manager  (1)
Lanzensberger Erwin - director of photography  (1)
László Krasznahorkai - screenwriter  (3)
László Rajk - production designer  (1)
Marcell Rév - director of photography  (1)
Marie-Pierre Macia - co-producer  (1)
Martin Hagemann - co-producer  (1)
Meyer-Wiel Christoph - producer  (1)
Mihály Víg - music  (2)
Miklós Bosnyák - producer  (1)
Miklós Gurbán - director of photography  (1)
Miklós Szita - producer  (1)
Róbert Gradvolt - editor  (1)
Simenon Georges - writer  (1)
Tregenza Rob - director of photography  (1)
Wanda Kiss - designer  (1)


family drama bio film etude educational adventure experimental crime romantic sci-fi satire dance nature thriller historical travel comedy
Ha szeretnéd, hogy Te, a Céged vagy a Filmed megjelenjen a HMDb adatbázisában ill. a Film in Hungary-n, úgy lépj kapcsolatba velünk: Ha hibát vagy szerzői jogokat sértő tartalmat találtál, írj nekünk!


R.D.I Sound Design Studio
H-1165 Nyílvessző utca 9.
tel. +361-407-1872
fax +361-407-2654

printed from the following address:

© 2010 filmhu - a magyar moziportál | |